Best Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Want to lose weight? Tensed because of diet plans? Tired of a daily high-intensity workout routine? If you are struggling with these factors and still want to lose weight without exercise and diet, then we’ve got you covered. This article highlights some best ways to lose weight without exercise and any strict diet plans.

March 29, 2024

You can lose weight without a strict diet plan or following the right exercise session daily. Plenty of fat diets work to shed pounds rapidly while leaving you feeling hungry and deprived.  Fat diets often work but for limited amounts of time. Therefore, people keep returning to experts to find a permanent solution to lose weight slowly but effectively.

10 Best Ways To Lose Weight Intense Exercise

There are no magic spells for instant weight loss, but incorporating some lifestyle changes into your routine helps. You do not have to train 24/7 or stay hungry all day to shed belly fat. 

Instead, the key is making simple tweaks to your lifestyle. Try implementing these ten tips to lose weight sustainably for the long term. 

1. Eat Breakfast Regularly

Eating a healthy breakfast regularly is an essential habit that people who wish to lose weight must adopt. Eating breakfast is necessary for your body. Your body needs a kick to start your metabolism, and a healthy breakfast increases metabolism, eventually leading to healthy weight loss.

Moreover, breakfast is the primary energy source for the whole day.  Many people think skipping breakfast is a great way to cut calories, but they usually eat more throughout the day.

Eating a protein-rich breakfast with fresh fruits, juices, eggs, and veggies makes you feel full for longer. It reduces hunger and gives you energy until your next meal. 

Try a bowl of whole-grain cereal topped with fruit and low-fat dairy for a quick and nutritious start to your day. However, adding more protein to your breakfast like an egg will keep you full longer and consume fewer calories

2. Eat More Produce

Eating lots of low-calorie, high-volume fruits and vegetables minimizes the need to consume other foods with higher fat and calories. Whenever possible, choose whole foods over processed ones. 

It sounds easy enough, but many fat diets have a line of prepackaged bars, snacks, bread, cereals, smoothies, etc. tied to them. So, you must look for hidden forms of sugar and fillers which are not whole foods.

Move the meat off the centre of your plate and pile on the vegetables. Or try starting lunch or dinner with a vegetable salad or bowl of broth-based soup. Stock your kitchen with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Serve a few servings of veggies and fruits at every meal and snack. 

In this way, your meals will be enriched with vitamins and minerals, and you won't always feel hungry. This ultimately leads to lower calorie consumption while keeping you healthy and full.

3. Trim Portions

You will lose weight if you do nothing else but reduce your portions by 10%-20%. Most portions served in restaurants and at home are bigger than you need. 

Some people fill their plates and tend to finish all the food on that plate. However, they could probably lower their calories with minimal effort by reducing the plate size. 

Small plate sizes allow you to eat less even if the plate is full. A small serving allows you to fill the plate with less food, while a big serving demands more food. Therefore, trimming the size of the food portion significantly helps you cut calories, resulting in weight loss.

4. Eat Without Electronic Distraction

We’ve repeatedly been told not to eat in front of the TV, in our car, or while checking emails, which is solid advice.  People who eat food while playing games or watching TV may overeat. Around 10% of people show overeating while they are distracted during meals in a published study of 2013. 

Regular food consumption with electronic distractions leads to obesity. Therefore, start mindful eating if you want to lose weight without dieting and exercising. 

Mindful eating means paying attention to every bite textures, aromas, flavours, presentation, and sounds. Focus on your meals and snacks, take small bites, and ask yourself how much you need to feel satisfied. 

Mindful eating would help to reduce food cravings and improve portion control.

5. Cut Back on Added Sugar

This might seem like an obvious way to lose weight. However, most people are unaware of their sugar consumption. Sugar comes in different names on food labels.  The main reason processed and packed foods are high in calories is due to added sugar. One easy way to reduce sugar is to eliminate it from your morning meals.  Many people start the day with flavoured yoghurts, cereal, muffins, or fancy lattes, all loaded with added sugar. This leads to a mid-morning crash and can set you up for failure the rest of the day. Sweetened drinks pile on the calories, but don't reduce hunger like solid foods do. Satisfy your thirst with water, sparkling water with citrus, fat-burning juice, skim or low-fat milk, or small portions of 100% fruit juice. 

Try a glass of nutritious and low-calorie vegetable juice to hold you over if you get hungry between meals.

6. Don't Go Too Long Without Eating

Your blood sugar drops when you go for long periods without consuming any calories. This can result in adverse symptoms, like dizziness and fatigue, and it can also lead to cravings for sugar-rich foods. 

If you do not eat when you feel hungry for a long time, there is a high possibility of going from the extreme hunger stage to the extreme fullness phase.

Aim to eat meals and snacks at regular intervals and include a balanced combination of protein, fat, and carbohydrates to keep your blood sugar stable for a longer period of time. 

If you go too long without eating, you'll eat food with many calories. This is quite an unhealthy habit, especially when you want to lose weight without following any exercise or diet plan.

7. Switch to Lighter Alternatives

Use low-fat versions of salad dressings, mayonnaise, and dairy products whenever possible. You can effortlessly trim calories if you use low-fat and lighter products.

No one will notice if the product is mixed in with other ingredients. For example, use salsa or hummus as a dip; spread sandwiches with mustard instead of mayo; and eat plain roasted sweet potatoes instead of loaded white potatoes.

Similarly, use skim milk instead of cream in your coffee, hold the cheese on sandwiches, and use a little vinaigrette on your salad instead of piling on the creamy dressing.

8. Eat Fiber-Rich Food

High-fiber diets can help protect against chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. However, despite the health benefits of fiber, many people don’t consume enough. 

Opt for more fibre-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. These foods also contain other essential nutrients and phytochemicals that benefit overall health. There’s an entire list of high-fiber foods for losing weight. 

Including a colourful array of fruits and vegetables can spice up meals and snacks while keeping you full for a more extended period. To save money, consider buying frozen produce, which is flash frozen at its peak and often has a similar nutrition content to the fresh form.

9. Control Your Environment

Another best way to help cut calories is to control your environment—everything from stocking your kitchen with many healthy options to choosing the right restaurants. This simply means avoiding temptation by staying away from all-you-can-eat restaurants. 

When it comes to parties, eat a healthy snack before so you won't starve. Be selective when you fill your plate at the buffet. Before returning for more food, wait at least 15 minutes and have a big glass of water. These mindful, environmentally controlled factors effectively help lose weight. 

10. Chew Food Slowly

Eating slowly and chewing every bite of food will allow your body to register how much it has taken on. Sit down at a table and eat from the plate, so you can focus on enjoying the taste of the food.

Chewing slowly a balanced meal will allow you to metabolize the food completely. When you eat fast, your belly can not register the calories; thus, you keep on adding calories to your body.

Just set a time to complete the meal. If you finish your meal before time, you will realize that you were eating fast and your body did not register the food. Fast eating will increase your body fat because it requires more digesting time.


Losing weight is a whole journey that requires time and effort. You cannot lose weight without doing anything. However, you can surely speed up the losing weight journey with some mindful lifestyle practices. 

If you do not want to follow a strict diet plan or do a high-intensity workout, try eating breakfast daily. Add whole produce, protein, and fibre-enriched food to your meals. Avoid consuming sugary drinks and consider drinking homemade weight-loss drinks.

Incorporating these simple steps will help you lose weight effectively over time.

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