Best Way To Consume Protein Shakes When You Have Diabetes

You can include protein shakes in your diabetic journey, but don't let them replace other eating habits. Sip on your shakes with pleasure, but monitor your blood glucose levels. You should also keep in mind that everyone's body is different and they have their own experience with diabetes. So what's effective for one person might not be effective for you.

March 29, 2024

Shakes high in protein might be a quick and easy way to up your protein consumption, particularly if you have diabetes. To effectively manage blood sugar levels, it's crucial to pay attention to the components and timing of your protein shakes according to a study in the US. This article will help you look at the best ways to drink protein shakes if you have type 2 diabetes

You've probably discussed eating habits and maintaining a healthy diet with your doctor a lot if you have type 2 diabetes. Including the appropriate amount of protein in your diet is one of its constituent parts. Although most individuals get a great deal of protein from their diets, if you're not getting enough each day, protein shakes can be an easy way for you to catch up on your nutritious food, according to specialists

  1. Select an appropriate protein powder. 

People with diabetes need to select protein drinks free of added sugar (avoid protein powders that contain sugar among their top three ingredients). Additionally, it's advisable to search for shakes with low carb counts. 

When choosing one for your smoothies, look for premium protein powders like whey, pea, or soy. Steer clear of powders that have artificial sweeteners or additional sugars, as these can raise blood sugar levels. Start with an authentic protein powder and make the shake at home for a low-sugar intake. As a result, you'll have more authority over the contents.

  1. Manage your carbohydrate intake.

A person with type 2 diabetes may experience different health outcomes depending on what they consume.  Blood sugar spikes can be caused by carbohydrates, especially refined and processed ones. Long-term problems may result from this. You can feel fuller by including extra low-carb snacks with a healthy portion of fiber and protein. In general, foods like eggs, cheese, and nuts have more protein and less carbohydrates. So adding them to your protein shakes can be very helpful.

Pay attention to how many carbohydrates are in the ingredients of your protein shake, because one should avoid high amounts of carbohydrates when they have diabetes type 2. Instead of adding high-sugar components like honey or bananas, use low-carb foods like avocado or berries. To further reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, choose water or unsweetened almond milk as your liquid foundation.

  1. Incorporate Good Fats

Your protein shake's ability to absorb sugar into the bloodstream can be slowed down by including healthy fats. To balance nutrients in your diet and encourage fullness, try adding items like flaxseeds, chia seeds, or nut butter.

Aside from being a great source of fat, seeds (particularly chia, flax, or hemp) also contain a high level of fiber, which helps to maintain fullness and prevent hunger pangs. You can mix them with protein powder, fresh fruit (like kiwis or blueberries), chia, hemp, or flaxseed. For a festive fall smoothie inspired by pumpkin flavor, you may also incorporate pumpkin seeds.

While there are no particular fruits or vegetables that are off-limits, some are better than others for controlling your diabetes. To ensure that what you make won't cause a blood sugar rise, look for minimal items on the glycemic index. Also, experiment with various pairings, and don't be scared to try new recipes. 

4. When to Take Your Protein Shakes

If you have type 2 diabetes, carefully planning when to have your protein shakes will help control your blood sugar levels. To promote muscle repair without significantly raising blood sugar levels, consider having a protein shake as an appetizer between meals or following an exercise.

Drinking protein shakes in the morning as a first meal or drink can be very effective. Consuming high-protein breakfast foods helps with weight management, decreases cravings for high-sugar food, and regulates blood sugar levels throughout the day. Incorporate wholesome food like berries, Greek yogurt, and almond milk with your protein shake.

It is important to set a time for taking protein shakes, particularly when you have diabetes. A consumption schedule ensures that you will take the right amount of protein at the right time to get the most benefits from it, such as regulating your blood sugar level. 

When you have diabetes, you should set a timetable on when to have your protein shake. For those with diabetes, protein shakes are an excellent addition to a healthy diet, whether consumed before or after exercise, as a snack between meals, during the day, or right before bed. Always prioritize entire foods, keep an eye on the sugar level in your blood, and consult a healthcare provider to be sure that consuming protein shakes is safe and beneficial.

5. Take Advice From a Medical Professional 

It's recommended to consult a trained dietitian or medical expert before making any major changes to your diet. They could help you create a well-balanced diet plan incorporating protein shakes and provide appropriate advice based on your medical requirements.

For people with type 2 diabetes, protein requirements are affected by several variables, like the amount of exercise they do, overall health, and most importantly, their blood sugar control. You must speak with a certified dietician or other healthcare professional to find out your protein requirements so that they can guide you to what type of protein shakes are good for you. 


When taken carefully, protein shakes may serve as a beneficial supplement to a diet that is suitable for diabetics type 2. If you choose the right portions, monitor the amount of carbohydrates, including healthy fats, and schedule your shakes appropriately, you can enjoy the benefits of increased protein consumption without sacrificing blood sugar control. Keep in mind to give whole meals a priority and seek advice from a healthcare provider before including protein shakes in your diabetes treatment.

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